HEY HEY HEY Join us at Robert Mosses State Park on November 9th, 08:00- 4:00 PM An extraordinary event station to remember one of our founding members of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, Walt Grosser W2TE 2nd president of GSBARC. We will be running three stations, IC7100. We would love to have as many CW operators as possible who can rank up some good QSO counts. Please join in the fun. Please bring your own CW keys. We have winkeyers hooked up. They use an RCA plug on them. The IC 7100control head has a small jack. I think its 1/8 inch. Also, bring a chair to relax in when not operating. We are operating from the GSBARC trailer with heat, and all radios do ALL MODES OUR ANTENNAS ARE A WONDERFUL BUDDI HEX AND AN END FEED ANTENNA SO THE RADIO AT THE END OF UR TRAILER DOES 10M AND 80M, THE MIDDLE RADIO DOES 15m AND 40m. THE LAST RADIO DOES 20M AND CAN ALSO DO ANOTHER BAND ON THE ANT 2 SIDE. WE HAVE BAND PASS FILTERS to make it all happen.
Field 5 South West side, closer to the water, is where we will be
Let’s make this a great event Walts’s son will be at the event, and we have a certificate we are all going to sign and give to the family
August 17-18 – International Lighthouse and Lightships Weekend
International Lighthouse and Lightships Weekend. GSBARC will be operating from the Fire Island Lighthouse. Stop by, say hello and get on the air.
Field Day 2024
Sunday June 23rd, 9AM~2PM @ Lou’s house (Backyard) 390 Cedarhurst Street
Islip Terrace.
Maggie Fischer Swim 2024
Tuesday, July 9th, Gilbert Park. Setup 6:30AM. Race starts 7:30AM
Due to FOG the Coast Guard Cancelled the Swim.
Tesla Science Fair 2024
July 13th, Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, 5 Randall Road, Shoreham.
Time TBA. Ed to advise.